Data portability
You can request a copy of your personal data that you can send to other service providers. We will respond to your inquiry within 30 days by giving you a link to a website where you can download the data.ย
Cancel your account and delete data
You can ask to have your account deleted. The following conditions apply:ย
All products and services must be cancelled before deleting the account. If there are any ongoing products or services connected to the account, it cannot be deleted
You will no longer be able to log onto your account after it has been deleted
When you close off your account it can take up to 30 days before the account is deleted. After it is deleted you will no longer have access to the account, and the account cannot be recovered. Data which may be necessary to keep for legitimate business reasons or for legal and/or contractual claims regarding archiving, such as data regarding the products or services you have bought, may be kept stored appropriately.ย